Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today's Breakfast is Brought to You by The Letter "B"

Today's Breakfast is Brought to You by The Letter "B"...

My two and a half year old specifically asked for blueberries, banana and broccoli for her breakfast...yes, BROCCOLI. Veggies are not just for a dinner side dish anymore! The more we can incorporate veggies into other meals such as lunch and even breakfast the more beneficial they become. I started my daughter off at a very early age eating a variety of fruits and veggies...thankfully it has kept up as she approaches the age of 3. As parents it is up to us to be leaders when it comes to eating healthy balanced meals. We need to encourage our children's curious minds and let them try all varieties of produce even if we as parents may not particularly like them. NEVER, NEVER say, "Eww, brussel sprouts" or "Yuck, I hate onions" as your kids pick up on that and in turn feel that they too may not like a certain fruit or veggie just because mom and dad don't.
**Look for more kid-friendly recipes as well as creative ways to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your children's meals in upcoming posts!

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