Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Slow Cooker Lentil Soup

Slow Cooker Lentil Soup

Ingredients (* use organic)

4 cups Vegetable Broth
2 cups Water
2 cups dry Lentils (green)
3 Scallions (diced)
2 stalks Celery (diced)
4 medium Carrots (diced)
1 cup crushed Tomato (I used cored/peeled tomatoes that I froze from the summer Farmer's Market)
1/2 medium Red Onion (diced)
2 cloves of Garlic (diced)
12-14 oz Cannellini Beans
2t Basil
2t Herbamare 
pinch of Cracked Pepper

In a slow cooker, add all of your ingredients. Set to low, cover and cook for at least 8-10 hours or until all the veggies are tender.

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