Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Super Orange Immunity Juice

Super Orange Immunity Juice

With cold and flu season in full affect nationwide it's time to arm yourself. Why not arm yourself with a delicious healthy juice?! Carrots contain Vitamins A & E as well as Beta Carotene while oranges are packed with Vitamin C. Ginger contains anti-viral and anti-fungal properties and even helps alleviate migraines. Cinnamon also has anti-fungal properties and has been used to treat colds by the Chinese for many years. 

Ingredients (*use organic)
3 Oranges (juiced)
4 Carrots (juiced)
1t fresh ground Ginger
1/4t Cinnamon

In a citrus juicer, juice the 3 oranges and set aside.

 Grate the ginger and add to the orange juice.

 Using a fruit/veggie juicer (I use a Breville), juice 4 carrots.

 Add that juice to the orange/ginger and add cinnamon. 

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