Friday, January 25, 2013

Better Than Delivery Calzones

Better Than Delivery Calzones

Ingredients (*organic)
Pizza Dough (I used Wildtree's So Quick & Easy Whole Wheat Pizza Dough) prepare according to directions)
8oz cooked Chicken (diced)
8oz Homemade Pizza Sauce
1 cup Shredded Cheese
4oz Chopped Mushrooms (I used Shiitake)
1/4 small Red Onion (diced) 

Pre-heat oven to 425. Prepare dough according to package, then separate into four equal balls of dough. Roll out the dough and spread on some sauce, chicken, mushroom, onion and cheese.

Fold your dough over gently and pinch the edge with your fingers. Cut a couple of small slits into the top of the calzone.

Place calzones onto a baking pan lined with lightly oiled parchment paper and bake for 12-15 minutes or until edges begin to brown.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Berry Protein Blast Smoothie

Berry Protein Blast Smoothie

Ingredients (*organic)
1/2 scoop 'Garden of Life' RAW PROTEIN POWDER
1 cup mixed Berries (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry and blackberry)
1/3 cup Almond Milk (I used Vanilla)
Crushed Ice
*optional 1T coconut flakes

Mix in a blender (such as a Vitamix Turbo Blend Two Speed) and enjoy immediately as a nutritious meal replacement!

I use Garden of Life RAW Protein Powder because, for one it's ORGANIC, but it's also free of GMO's, gluten free, dairy free, vegan and it's made up of plant based protein (sprouted brown rice, amarati sprout, quinoa sprout, millet sprout, buckwheat sprout, garbanzo bean sprout, lentil sprout, adzuki bean sprout, flax seed sprout, sunflower seed sprout, pumpkin seed sprout, chia seed sprout and sesame seed sprout). It also contains probiotics!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Homemade Hummus

Homemade Hummus

Ingredients (*organic)

1 can of Garbanzo Beans (rinsed)
2T Tahini
2-3 Cloves of Garlic
1T Olive Oil
2T Lemon Juice
1 medium Carrot (chopped)
3 Green Onions/scallions (chopped)
Handful of fresh Cilantro
1/4t  Salt (I use Himalayan Pink Salt 84)
Pinch of Cracked Pepper
Dash of Cayenne

In a food processor/blender (Vitamix), add all ingredients except olive oil and garbanzo beans. Blend well then add beans; continue to blend while slowly adding olive oil. Serve on a pita or with fresh veggies as a delicious snack. *can be stored in an air-tight container in the fridge for roughly 5-7 days or frozen to be used at a later time.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Golabki (Stuffed Cabbage)

Golabki (Stuffed Cabbage)

Ingredients (*organic)
12 Cabbage Leaves (boiled for about 10 minutes)
2lbs ground Elk
1 cup cooked Rice (I used white Basmati from Lundberg)
1/2 medium Red Onion (diced)
1 stalk Celery (diced)
1 Carrot (shredded)
2 Cabbage Leaves (shredded)
1 egg (slightly beaten)
1/4 cup Milk (I used unsweetened Almond Milk)
1T Basil
1t Sea Salt
Pinch Cracked Pepper
2t Herbamare *optional
2 cups Tomato Soup

Pre-heat oven to 375. Mix together Elk, cooked rice, onion, celery, carrot, shredded cabbage, egg, milk, basil, salt and pepper. Add heaping spoonfuls to the cabbage leaves, roll and place in a baking dish seam side down. Pour tomato soup on top and cover. Bake for at least 45 minutes to an hour.

***I had leftover meat, so I made meat balls...added that to some tomato soup with shredded cabbage and had a second meal: Stuffed Cabbage Soup! It was fantastic!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Mini Strawberry Cheesecakes with Pecan Crust

Mini Strawberry Cheesecakes with Pecan Crust

Ingredients (*organic)

1/2 cup Flour
1/3 cup Light Brown Sugar
1/2 cup chopped Pecans
5T melted Butter

Pre-heat oven to 350 and line a muffin pan with 12 baking cups. In a bowl mix flour, brown sugar and pecans. Stir in melted butter and press down into your baking cups. Bake for 15 minutes then cool completely. 

8oz softened Cream Cheese
1/3 cup Sugar
1/2t Vanilla Extract
1 large Egg
4oz Strawberry Yogurt

In a heavy duty mixer (Kitchen Aid), add cream cheese, vanilla and sugar; cream together. Beat in egg and slowly add yogurt until blended. Add your filling to your baking cups and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes until set. Cool completely; refrigerate over night.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Homemade Vegetable Dumpling Soup

Homemade Vegetable Dumpling Soup

Ingredients (*organic)
4 cups Vegetable Broth
4 cups Water
1/2 Red Onion (diced)
1 large Carrot (peeled and chopped)
2 stalks of Celery (chopped)
2T Fresh Parsley (chopped)
2t Wildtree Bayou Blend
pinch of Cracked Pepper
pinch of Sea Salt

In a large stock pot add all the above ingredients and bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to a simmer for at least 10-15 minutes.

1 cup Flour
2t Baking Powder
1/4t Sea Salt
1/2 cup Water

Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Mix in water. Mixture will be sticky. Remove the lid from the broth and bring back to a boil. Drop in spoonfuls of the dumpling mixture into the boiling broth and continue to cook at a high heat for 15-20 more minutes. 

Today's Breakfast is Brought to You by The Letter "B"

Today's Breakfast is Brought to You by The Letter "B"...

My two and a half year old specifically asked for blueberries, banana and broccoli for her breakfast...yes, BROCCOLI. Veggies are not just for a dinner side dish anymore! The more we can incorporate veggies into other meals such as lunch and even breakfast the more beneficial they become. I started my daughter off at a very early age eating a variety of fruits and veggies...thankfully it has kept up as she approaches the age of 3. As parents it is up to us to be leaders when it comes to eating healthy balanced meals. We need to encourage our children's curious minds and let them try all varieties of produce even if we as parents may not particularly like them. NEVER, NEVER say, "Eww, brussel sprouts" or "Yuck, I hate onions" as your kids pick up on that and in turn feel that they too may not like a certain fruit or veggie just because mom and dad don't.
**Look for more kid-friendly recipes as well as creative ways to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your children's meals in upcoming posts!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Miniature Vegan Coconut Macaroons

Miniature Vegan Coconut Macaroons

Ingredients (*organic)
1 cup Almond Milk
1/4 cup Pure Cane Sugar
1T Flour

1 cup Unsweetened Coconut
1/2t Coconut Extract (Flavorganics)
1/2t Vanilla Extract (Flavorganics)

Pre-heat oven to 350. In a saucepan add almond milk and sugar cooking at medium high heat until mixture begins to boil. Whisk in flour and turn heat down to low. Add coconut and the vanilla and coconut extracts; mix and turn off heat. Use a teaspoon to make rounded balls of the mixture and place on a cookie sheet. Bake in oven for 12-15 minutes. 

Super Orange Immunity Juice

Super Orange Immunity Juice

With cold and flu season in full affect nationwide it's time to arm yourself. Why not arm yourself with a delicious healthy juice?! Carrots contain Vitamins A & E as well as Beta Carotene while oranges are packed with Vitamin C. Ginger contains anti-viral and anti-fungal properties and even helps alleviate migraines. Cinnamon also has anti-fungal properties and has been used to treat colds by the Chinese for many years. 

Ingredients (*use organic)
3 Oranges (juiced)
4 Carrots (juiced)
1t fresh ground Ginger
1/4t Cinnamon

In a citrus juicer, juice the 3 oranges and set aside.

 Grate the ginger and add to the orange juice.

 Using a fruit/veggie juicer (I use a Breville), juice 4 carrots.

 Add that juice to the orange/ginger and add cinnamon. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Meatless Monday Split Pea Soup

Meatless Monday Split Pea Soup

As I begin my families transition to a more vegetarian based diet I find myself getting more and more excited about the recipes I prepare for dinner. One of my favorite soups as a child was always split pea soup, however I was never much of a fan of the chunks of ham. That being said, I am not at all going to miss the 'meat' in this recipe!

Ingredients (*organic)
2 cups Green Split Peas (rinsed)
7 cups of Water
2T Grapeseed Oil
2 medium Shallots (diced)
3 cloves Garlic (minced)
2 medium Carrots (diced)
1 stalk of Celery (chopped with leaves included)
2T fresh squeezed Lemon Juice
2T Herbamare
Cracked Pepper (to taste)
a pinch of Cayenne Pepper (optional)

In a large stock pot (I use Le Creuset Enameled Steel 8qt), add your oil, shallots and garlic. Saute on medium heat. Add your remaining ingredients and stir. If you are trying to achieve a thinner soup you can add another 1-2 cups of water if too much has evaporated while simmering (I prefer a very thick consistency myself). Bring to a boil, cover and turn down heat bringing soup to a simmer for at least an hour and a half to two hours stirring occasionally and testing for softness of the peas. 

Chewy Honey Pecan Granola Bars

Chewy Honey Pecan Granola Bars

Gone are the days of buying packaged processed food for my family. If you want something done right, do it yourself...right?! I think homemade is better than packaged any day and my family rightfully agrees! These granola bars are just the right amount of crunchy and chewy and have no unwanted chemicals or preservatives. The key to getting these bars just right is to make sure you firmly press the mixture down into the baking pan and to make sure to let the granola cool completely (several hours) before attempting to cut into bars.

Ingredients (*all organic)

4 cups Rolled Oats (Bob's Red Mill)
1/4 cup Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour (Bob's Red Mill)
1T Ground Flax Seed
1/4t Sea Salt
1t Cinnamon
1/2 cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
1/3 cup Light Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Chopped Pecans (Sage Valley)

1/2 cup Unsweetened Applesauce
1t Vanilla Extract (Flavorganics)
1/2t Coconut Extract (Flavorganics)
1/3 cup Raw Honey (Heavanly Organics)
2T Agave Nectar (Tajar)

Pre-heat oven to 325. In a bowl combine the first eight ingredients and set aside. In a separate bowl mix the remaining five ingredients, stir and pour on top of the oat mixture; stir completely. Line your baking sheet (9x13) with parchment paper and spread the mixture out; press firmly to ensure the mixture will bind together. Bake for 20-25 minutes; cool completely then cut into bars. Store in an airtight container for at least a week. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Look At Modern Parenting (A study from the University of Notre Dame)

A Look At "Modern Parenting"

Do you agree with "Modern Parenting" you allow your child to CRY IT OUT? Are you more of a nurturing parent or do you think your child has the ability to soothe themselves at a very early age? Do you believe a child before the age of 1 year can be 'spoiled'? Are you a co-sleeper? Here is a link to an interesting article from the University of Notre Dame...feel free to comment below as to your thoughts on the topic.

Modern parenting may hinder brain development, research shows // News // Notre Dame News // University of Notre Dame

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dangerously Delicious Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies

Dangerously Delicious Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies

Ingredients (*organic)
2 cups Flour
1t Cinnamon
1t Sea Salt
1t Baking Powder (aluminum free)
1t Baking Soda 

2 sticks Unsalted Butter, softened (1 cup)
1 cup Light Brown Sugar
1 cup Pure Cane Sugar
2t Vanilla Extract (I use Flovorganics)
2 Large Eggs

3 cups Rolled Oats (I use Bob's Red Mill)
1 cup Dried Cranberries (I use Sage Valley)

Pre-heat oven to 350. In a bowl mix flour, cinnamon, salt, baking powder and baking soda; set aside. In a heavy duty stand mixer (Kitchen Aid) cream butter, sugars, vanilla and eggs until mixture becomes fluffy. Slowly add in flour mixture being careful not to over-mix (this will cause cookies to harden). Stir in oats and cranberries. On a baking sheet, drop rounded spoonfuls (2T each), 2 inches apart and bake for 11-13 minutes. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool.

Irish Stew

Irish Stew

Every good Irish girl should have their own stew recipe, here is mine...and the best part is you don't have to wait until St. Patrick's Day to enjoy it!

Ingredients (*use organic)
1 lb Lamb (cut into 2 inch chunks, preferable from the shoulder)
1/4 cup Flour
Pinch of Cracked Pepper
Pinch of Cinnamon
Pinch of Sea Salt
12 oz Premium Dark Beer/Amber Lager
1 medium Yellow Onion (sliced)
2 cloves of Garlic (minced)
2T Tomato Paste
3 cups Beef Broth
3 large Carrots (chopped)
3 Celery stalks (chopped)
2 lbs Yellow Potatoes (washed and cubed)
Handful of Fresh Parsley (chopped)

In a large stock pot/dutch oven add about 2T oil and turn stove to medium heat.

 In a bowl add flour, pepper, cinnamon and salt. Add your stew meat and coat completely.

 Once coated, add your stew meat to the stock pot and cook on all sides until browned. Remove the meat and set aside.

 Pour your beer into the stock pot and de-glaze. Add onion and garlic; cook for at least 5 minutes then add your tomato paste and beef broth cooking for another 5 minutes.

 Add your remaining ingredients; carrots, celery, potatoes, parsley and browned stew meat.

 Cook on medium heat for another 10 minutes, cover, reduce heat and simmer for at least 3 hours stirring occasionally. (check veggies and meat for desired tenderness) Can be prepared up to two days before as it tends to taste better after it has been reheated!

Granola with Dried Fruit & Nuts

Granola with Dried Fruit & Nuts

Ingredients (*organic)

2 cups Sprouted Whole Grain Cereal (I used Food For Life Ezekiel 4:9 with Almonds)
1 cup Rolled Oats (I used Bob's Red Mill)
1 1/2T Ground Flax Seed
1 cup Chopped Pecans
1 cup Chopped Walnuts

3T Raw Honey (Heavanly Organics)
1t Olive Oil
1t Vanilla Extract (Flavorganics)
1/2 cup Unsweetened Applesauce
1/2t Cinnamon
1/4 cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
1/2 cup Dried Fruit (I used cranberries)

Pre-heat oven to 350. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper and add cereal, rolled oats, ground flax seed, pecans and walnuts. Bake for 10 min then remove. In a bowl add your remaining ingredients; honey, olive oil, vanilla extract, applesauce, cinnamon, coconut, fruit and mix in the cereal and nuts. Place granola back onto your baking sheet and bake for 30-35 minutes stirring every 5-10 minutes to keep from burning. Enjoy it in a bowl with Almond Milk, as a topping on yogurt or alone for a high protein energy boost! Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks (I use Bodum jars, they are airtight and a classy addition to any coutertop).

Turkey and Cheddar Pita Pockets

Turkey and Cheddar Pita Pockets

Ingredients (*organic)
Sprouted Grain Pitas (Food For Life, Ezekiel 4:9)
Sliced Oven Roasted Turkey Breast
Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Baby Spinach
Romaine Lettuce
Arugula Sprouts
Red Onion

Monday, January 7, 2013

Udon Noodle Soup

Udon Noodle Soup

Ingredients: (*use organic)
4 cups Chicken Broth (I used homemade)
4 oz Udon Noodles
1 Carrot (diced)
1/4 White Onion (diced)
2 Green Onions (diced)
1 clove of Garlic (minced)
1t fresh grated Ginger
4 oz Tofu (cubed)
*Cilantro for topping (optional)

Bring your broth to a boil and add the carrots, white onion, garlic and ginger. Let boil for at least 15 min before adding the Udon Noodles. Boil for an additional 5 min and add your green onions and tofu. Serve in bowls and top with fresh cilantro. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Banana Muffins with Dark Chocolate and Walnut Crumble Topping

Banana Muffins with Dark Chocolate and Walnut Crumble Topping (yields 1 dozen)

Ingredients: (*use organic)

2 cups Flour
1/3 cup Pure Cane Sugar
1/3 cup Coconut Palm Sugar
1t Ground Cinnamon
2t Baking Powder
1/4t Baking Soda
1/4t Sea Salt
1/3 cup Dark Chocolate (chopped)

1 cup Ripe, Mashed Banana (2-3 medium)
1/4 cup Unsweetened Applesauce
3T Almond Milk
1t Vanilla Extract

3T Cold Butter
2T Flour
1T Brown Sugar
1t Cinnamon
1/3 cup Chopped Walnuts

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. In a large bowl, mix all of your dry ingredients with the exception of the dark chocolate. In your stand mixer add all the wet ingredients and mix on medium. Slowly add you dry ingredients until the batter is mixed thoroughly (add the dark chocolate chunks as well). Use a spatula to scrape the sides of the bowl.

Crumbled topping can be made by mixing butter, flour, brown sugar and cinnamon with a fork until it becomes beady.

  Fill your muffin tin 3/4 of the way full.

 Add your crumbled topping and walnuts. 

Bake for 14-18 min or until a toothpick comes out of the center of a muffin clean. 

Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Shrimp Fried Rice

Shrimp Fried Rice


1/2 lb Wild Caught Shrimp (cooked, peeled and diced)
2 cups Brown Basmati Rice (cooked according to package)
2 eggs (slightly beaten and scrambled)
1/2 cup Wildtree Pad Thai Sauce
1 Carrot (diced)
4 Green Onions (diced)
1 cup Frozen Peas
8oz Shiitake Mushroom (chopped)
6 oz Extra Firm Tofu (drained and cubed)
1T Soy Sauce
1t Garlic Powder
Pinch of Cracked Black Pepper
4T Oil

Prepare your scrambled eggs, shrimp and rice ahead of time. In a large wok add 2T oil and carrots. Cook for at least 5 min on medium high heat. Add green onion and frozen peas; cook another 3-5 min. Stir in the shrimp, mushrooms and tofu. Add your soy sauce, garlic powder and cracked pepper. In a separate large wok add 2T oil and your rice. Cook on high heat stirring frequently for at least 3 min. Add the fried rice and scrambled eggs to the cooked veggies and shrimp. Pour Pad Thai Sauce on top and stir frequently for another 1-3 min. Serve immediately. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Storing Fruits & Veggies for Optimal Flavor and Freshness

Storing Fruits & Veggies for Optimal Flavor and Freshness

First of all let me tell you that it's important to use the crisper drawers in your refrigerator to keep your produce away from meats (raw meats should be stored on the bottom shelf to eliminate cross contamination of other foods if they happen to drip). Many crisper drawers have high and low humidity settings to help ensure that your produce will stay fresher longer. 

Let's begin with fruits. Berries should almost always be stored in the fridge as they tend to 'go bad' quickly. Simply clean the berries and store in the original package. If you are worried that the berries will spoil before you are able to consume them, simply place washed berries onto a cookie sheet and freeze. You can then transfer the frozen berries into freezer safe containers to be used at a later time! Melons are another fruit that tend to go from unripe to over-ripe very quickly. For the most part, melons should be stored in a cool, dry place (like a counter top). Placing melons such as cantaloupes into the fridge actually kill some of the sweet flavor and make the fruit more rubbery. 

Citrus fruits such as limes and lemons can last quite a while on the counter. By placing citrus in the fridge you risk them absorbing some of the smells of your other foods/leftovers. Apples can go either way; in the fridge or on the counter and last quite a while regardless. As for tropical fruits like banana and pineapple, I say just leave them to ripen on the counter. Make sure to leave the tape on the banana as it is actually used to keep the bananas from over-ripening too quickly. You can refrigerate pineapple, but I notice that it has such a sweeter taste when consumed at room temperature. Pears, plums, peaches and even mangoes can be stored at room temperature until they become fully ripened...then you should transfer them to the fridge. *a quick tip on getting fruit to ripen faster-place it in a brown bag over night and leave at room temperature!

When it comes to veggies you should know that many shouldn't be washed until you are ready to use them. Tomatoes for instance should be stored unwashed at room temperature. The same goes for potatoes. Carrots and other root veggies should be stored in a plastic bag in the fridge to help them maintain moisture. Most onions can be stored at room temperature, however vidalia onions should be stored in the fridge individually wrapped in paper towels due to their high moisture content. Asparagus should also be stored in the fridge wrapped in a moist paper towel to help keep them crisp or cut off the ends and place in a glass of water.  When storing herbs, cut the stems off and place the herbs in a glass/bowl of water and place in the fridge. Always refrigerate lettuce and a quick tip for getting most lettuce to crisp back up is to place in a bowl of ice cold water for at least an hour. Eggplant should be stored in the fridge as it to spoils very quickly. Mushrooms are fine stored in a cool dry place.

To ensure that your fresh produce will keep in the fridge, make sure to separate any fruits and veggies. Another good tip is to buy only what you need or you know you will use. Buying organic produce can in fact be a bit more pricey than that of conventionally grown so buying only what you know your family will consume saves you from throwing away spoiled food. Don't let the price of organic produce scare you...remember, it's a lot CHEAPER  than a doctor's visit!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sauteed Spinach and Arugula with Goat Cheese

Sauteed Spinach and Arugula with Goat Cheese

Ingredients (*use organic)

Several handfuls of Arugula and Spinach
2T of Olive Oil
2 Scallions (diced)
1T Lemon Juice
Goat Cheese (crumbled)
Pinch of Sea Salt
Pinch of Cracked Pepper

In a pan add your oil and turn to medium heat. Add arugula, spinach and scallions. Cook until the greens are wilted. Add the lemon juice, sea salt and pepper. Crumble the goat cheese on top and serve immediately. 

My "MUST HAVE" Kitchen Staples and Money Saving "Tips"

I am frequently asked what 'must have' items I keep in my kitchen or pantry. Here is a list in no particular order. (all organic, of course!)

  • Rolled Oats
  • Steel Cut Oats
  • Chia Seeds
  • Quinoa
  • Raw Nuts (walnuts, almonds etc...)
  • Sprouted Grain Cereal (I prefer Food For Life, Ezekiel 4:9)
  • Sprouted Grain Tortillas (and Sprouted Corn Tortillas, Food For Life Ezekiel as well)
  • Pinto Beans
  • Black Beans
  • Green Lentils
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Basmati Rice (white and brown)
  • Coconut Palm Sugar
  • Raw Cane Sugar
  • Sea Salt
  • Lemons
  • Vegetable Broth and Chicken Broth (low or no sodium)
  • Green Leafy Veggies 
  • Raw Honey (local is best)
  • Garlic
  • Fresh Ginger (can be stored in the freezer to keep its freshness)

Organic on a BUDGET

As soon as I tell people that my family eats ORGANIC I tend to get the same response, "that's too expensive!" Well, it's not if you know how to budget your money and meal plan. When I know that I am running low on groceries I sit down and make a menu plan for at least two weeks to a month (take into consideration any holiday's or times when you know you won't be eating at home). I then prepare my grocery list by adding items from each meal that I don't already have in the fridge/freezer/pantry. Don't be afraid to substitute ingredients in recipes to utilize items you may already have...this will help minimize your grocery list saving you in the long run. I tend to make my meals with more servings then will feed my small family with the intention of freezing the leftovers for future meals when I may not have time to cook. Great freezable meals include soups, stews, chili and even many ethnic meals. Many of these meals can be cooked in a slow cooker saving you time and they are great defrosted and reheated at a later time!

Meal plan/menu planning helps cut back on frequent shopping trips, deters you from going out to eat and helps you to be more creative and have more dinner options than if you were to make dinner on the fly. Stick to your list and don't get any impulse buys as they tend to add up quickly. Most of the time I am able to get a great deal of my groceries for the month in one shopping trip, however produce is a different story. When buying organic produce I say less is what you know you will eat for the week as much of it tends to spoil faster than that of conventionally grown produce. You may find yourself making more trips to the grocery store but it will be for a few produce items as opposed to a full on grocery shopping venture. Try to buy produce that is in season and frequent your local farmers markets when applicable to get great deals and support local agriculture! Also, try to incorporate as many fresh veggies into your meals as possible. They are cheaper than most meats, have far less calories and are wonderful sources of protein and fiber.

Now would also be a good time to cut back on desserts and other non-essential items that tend to cost you in the long run (health wise as well as your wallet). Many fruit juices can be made at home using a citrus juicer or a commercial juicer. This way you know exactly what is going into your juice and you will enjoy the freshness! If a veggie juice is more of what you are looking for try to use as many water filled veggies (like cucumber) to help stretch your dollar.

If you are just starting to go organic and are overwhelmed, relax...once you get the hang of things it becomes second nature. You will soon find out what works best for you and for your family. Don't be afraid to try new things and experiment. The only way to know if you like something is to give it a try. This holds true to many of the veggies at the local Farmer's Markets. You may begin to notice a great deal of produce you have never heard of or seen and you shouldn't let that deter you from purchasing it. Ask the farmers what it is   and how to prepare it. Some may even have wonderful recipes that they would be wiling to share with you.

Garden Fresh Quesadilla

Garden Fresh Quesadilla

Ingredients: (*use organic)

Sprouted Grain Tortilla Shells
Ripe Avocado 
Scallions (chopped)
Mild Salsa
Romaine Lettuce
Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Chili Powder

Pre-heat oven to 375. Lay out a tortilla shell, spread ripe avocado and sprinkle on some chili powder. Next add your chopped scallions, salsa, cilantro, lettuce and shredded cheese.

Top with a second tortilla shell and place in oven for about 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve immediately.