Monday, November 12, 2012



My all time favorite holiday. To me it's like my birthday and Christmas all in one! Every year my family gets a turkey and prepares all the fixin's. This year however, I had a little more say as to what would be served. I took my mom, the "Thanksgiving Chef" to our local Trader Joes (which happens to be a 35 minute drive) to shop for the menu. First and foremost the most important part of Thanksgiving is the turkey. It's important that you get a turkey that is not loaded with hormones and antibiotics. You'll find that most conventional turkeys also contain added hidden GMO's. We were fortunate enough to get a great deal on an all natural hormone and antibiotic free turkey for only $1.99/lb...and the best part is it was FRESH, never frozen!

As far as the fixin''s important to READ LABELS. As always I say, "buy organic"...but sometimes you will find that there still may be some hidden ingredients that should be avoided. For instance silicone dioxide which is a non-caking agent. Traditional items such as cranberry sauce will inevitably contain HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) which is directly related to weight gain and obesity. Many processed stuffing brands also include HFCS as well as caramel coloring (carcinogen) and a long list of chemical preservatives that have been linked to cancer, fertility problems and kidney problems.

Another toxic ingredient is MSG (monosodium glutamate). A list for hidden sources of MSG can be found here MSG is found in most of your cream based soups and the amounts are not regulated by the FDA. So if you decide to make the ever so popular green bean casserole make sure you read the ingredients on the soup or make a homemade cream based soup where you can regulate what it is that you are adding to it.

When it comes to the desserts and even dinner rolls be on the lookout for artificial food colorings that are directly related to cancer, obesity and hyperactivity in children. In some cases caramel coloring is actually made by a process of heating ammonia and sulfites...yuck.

Hopefully this information is enough to get you to think about what it is that you are serving your families for not just the holiday's but for everyday. It's time to be our own advocates and do what is right for ourselves and our families.

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