Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hell no, GMO's!

GMO's = Genetically Modified Organisms
What are they and why should we care if they are in our food and health/beauty care products?
They are a result of taking the genetic material of one species and inserting it another to obtain a more 'desirable' charecteristic. The problem with this though is it creates more issues than it solves. For instance, different bacterias and viruses are injected into animal and plant cells to help force the new DNA into the new species. Chemical reactions disturb new cell functions and ultimately change nurtrional values and create new allergens and toxins! No extensive studies have been done on humans that consume GM food however, the studies that were done on animals showed immune system disruption, infertility, smaller organs, pre-cancerous growths and higher death rates.
The main source of GM foods in the U.S. are: soy (94%), cotton (90%), canola (90%), sugar beets (95%), corn (88%), Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%), zucchini and yellow squash. Meat and eggs as well as dairy products from animals that have consumed GM feed will in turn contain GMO's. Many additives contain GMO's as well...flavorings, sweetners and processing agents. 
This isn't just limited to food/food additives. GMO's are in soaps, cleaning products, shampoos, bubble bath, lotions, children's vitamins, laxatives and the list goes on and on! 
So, what can we do about it?? Become more aware of what we are purchasing. Buy local, buy ORGANIC. Read labels and be more conscious of what we serve our families and what personal care items we use. It's time we as consumers start voting with our wallets and stop spending money on companies that don't support the labeling of GMO's. 

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