Friday, November 30, 2012

Grown-Up Grilled Cheese

Grown-Up Grilled Cheese 


Sourdough Bread Slices
Sliced White Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Sliced Mozzarella Cheese
Sliced Baby Swiss Cheese
Baby Spinach
Sliced Roma Tomatoes

Assemble sandwich and 'grill' on a lightly oiled (olive oil) pan until golden brown on both sides.

Hearty Pot Roast

Hearty Pot Roast


14 oz beef broth 
3 tablespoons dry red wine  
1 (2 pound) pot roast
5 fingerling potatoes, cut in half  
2 large carrots peeled/cut into chunks 
4 stalks celery cut into chunks
1 medium white onion, cut into large slices  
1 T ground pepper
1 T sea salt
1 t garlic powder  
2 cloves garlic, minced

Hearty Pot Roast

Place all the above ingredients into your crock pot and turn on low for 6-8 hours. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Organic Kale Soup

Organic Kale Soup


4 cups Vegetable Broth
24oz Can of crushed tomatoes (or a gallon size bag of frozen tomatoes from the garden/peeled)
2 large carrots peeled and diced
1 medium white onion diced
2 cloves of garlic minced
2 stalks of celery diced
4 turnips peeled and diced
1 large bunch of kale chopped (or 3oz of baby kale)
1 14oz can of garbanzo beans (drained and rinsed)
1 cup of water
3T olive oil
1t salt
1t Herbamare Original (Natural sea salt infused with organic veggies and herbs) *optional

In a large stock pot add oil, salt, carrots, onion, garlic, celery and turnips. Turn stove to medium low heat and 'sweat' the veggies for at least 20min or until tender. Add water, veggie broth, tomatoes, kale and beans. Turn heat to medium high and bring to a soft boil. Turn down heat, cover and simmer for at least 4 hours stirring occasionally. 


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chicken Mole Egg Rolls

Chicken Mole Egg Rolls

1lb cooked/shredded chicken
1 can of black beans (drained & rinsed)
1T chopped cilantro
1 cup Wildtree Nut-Free Mole Sauce
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 package of egg roll wrappers

Pre-heat oven to 400. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together (except the egg roll wrappers). Take about 1 Tablespoon of the mixture and place onto egg roll wrappers and wrap according to directions on package. Lightly brush the tops of the rolls with oil and place on a lightly coated with oil baking sheet for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Natural Household Cleaning Tips


Not only is white distilled vinegar economical and environmentally friendly, but it is very effective in killing most germs, bacteria and even mold.
  • Baby Bottles: for glass bottles fill equal parts of vinegar and hot water let sit for roughly an hour then scrub with a bottle brush.
  • Baby Toys: add some vinegar to soapy water and let toys soak before rinsing off and air drying.
  • Children's board/vinyl books: use a cloth dampened with vinegar to wipe clean.
  • Urine stained mattress: spray equal parts vinegar and water solution to surface and sprinkle with baking soda. Let dry, then vacuum or dust off.
  • Disinfect/kill germs: spray full strength vinegar to door knobs/handles and wipe dry.
  • Removing stale odors: wipe down walls with cloth or sponge mop with full strength vinegar.
  • Pet urine: spray full strength vinegar to the stain and if needed sprinkle baking soda, let dry and vacuum.
  • Toilet bowl cleaner: a cup of full strength vinegar left over night. Scrub with toilet brush and flush.
  • Soap scum/bath film: full strength vinegar and follow up with a baking soda scour. 
  • Vinyl/linoleum floor: 1 cup of vinegar to every gallon of water.
  • Remove a label: soak a cloth with vinegar and cover the labeled surface for several hours to overnight.
  • Grill cleaner: spray with equal parts hot water and vinegar.
  • Rid home of fruit flies: fill a small dish with vinegar and leave out on counter.
  • Foul smelling or stained plastic food containers: wipe surface with full strength vinegar.
  • Remove odor and soap buildup from dishwasher: run empty dishwasher with one cup vinegar monthly. 
  • Clean microwave: mix 1/2 cup water to 1/2 cup vinegar to microwave safe bowl. Bring to a boil inside microwave and this should help to loosen caked on food and eliminate any odors.
  • Counter tops: full strength vinegar soaked cloth to clean surface. (DO NOT use on granite counter tops as the acidity may ruin the surface)
  • Chrome sinks and faucets: make a paste of 2 tablespoons salt and 1 tablespoon vinegar to remove lime buildup.  

Monday, November 12, 2012



My all time favorite holiday. To me it's like my birthday and Christmas all in one! Every year my family gets a turkey and prepares all the fixin's. This year however, I had a little more say as to what would be served. I took my mom, the "Thanksgiving Chef" to our local Trader Joes (which happens to be a 35 minute drive) to shop for the menu. First and foremost the most important part of Thanksgiving is the turkey. It's important that you get a turkey that is not loaded with hormones and antibiotics. You'll find that most conventional turkeys also contain added hidden GMO's. We were fortunate enough to get a great deal on an all natural hormone and antibiotic free turkey for only $1.99/lb...and the best part is it was FRESH, never frozen!

As far as the fixin''s important to READ LABELS. As always I say, "buy organic"...but sometimes you will find that there still may be some hidden ingredients that should be avoided. For instance silicone dioxide which is a non-caking agent. Traditional items such as cranberry sauce will inevitably contain HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) which is directly related to weight gain and obesity. Many processed stuffing brands also include HFCS as well as caramel coloring (carcinogen) and a long list of chemical preservatives that have been linked to cancer, fertility problems and kidney problems.

Another toxic ingredient is MSG (monosodium glutamate). A list for hidden sources of MSG can be found here MSG is found in most of your cream based soups and the amounts are not regulated by the FDA. So if you decide to make the ever so popular green bean casserole make sure you read the ingredients on the soup or make a homemade cream based soup where you can regulate what it is that you are adding to it.

When it comes to the desserts and even dinner rolls be on the lookout for artificial food colorings that are directly related to cancer, obesity and hyperactivity in children. In some cases caramel coloring is actually made by a process of heating ammonia and sulfites...yuck.

Hopefully this information is enough to get you to think about what it is that you are serving your families for not just the holiday's but for everyday. It's time to be our own advocates and do what is right for ourselves and our families.

Great news for Wildtree!!

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hell no, GMO's!

GMO's = Genetically Modified Organisms
What are they and why should we care if they are in our food and health/beauty care products?
They are a result of taking the genetic material of one species and inserting it another to obtain a more 'desirable' charecteristic. The problem with this though is it creates more issues than it solves. For instance, different bacterias and viruses are injected into animal and plant cells to help force the new DNA into the new species. Chemical reactions disturb new cell functions and ultimately change nurtrional values and create new allergens and toxins! No extensive studies have been done on humans that consume GM food however, the studies that were done on animals showed immune system disruption, infertility, smaller organs, pre-cancerous growths and higher death rates.
The main source of GM foods in the U.S. are: soy (94%), cotton (90%), canola (90%), sugar beets (95%), corn (88%), Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%), zucchini and yellow squash. Meat and eggs as well as dairy products from animals that have consumed GM feed will in turn contain GMO's. Many additives contain GMO's as well...flavorings, sweetners and processing agents. 
This isn't just limited to food/food additives. GMO's are in soaps, cleaning products, shampoos, bubble bath, lotions, children's vitamins, laxatives and the list goes on and on! 
So, what can we do about it?? Become more aware of what we are purchasing. Buy local, buy ORGANIC. Read labels and be more conscious of what we serve our families and what personal care items we use. It's time we as consumers start voting with our wallets and stop spending money on companies that don't support the labeling of GMO's. 


I recently took a girl's getaway with my mom to Galena, Illinois. A small town in Northwestern Illinois just minutes from the Iowa and Wisconsin borders. It's a quaint town with a lot of history (former President, Grant has a home that we toured while there). If you are looking to go shopping for things you may want but not really need or would like to sample some local wines then Galena is a great place to visit. We stayed at a charming boutique hotel, The Irish Cottage. Below is a view of some of the natural beauty that Galena has to offer.

Mom's Salmon Spread

I wish I could say that I came up with this recipe on my own but I have to give credit to my mom who actually should give credit to her dad! My mom came up with the idea of using the DELICIOUS Wildtree product, Dill Dip Blend (completly natural with no chemicals or GMO's) to complete the recipe.

Mom's Salmon Spread

  1. can of Red Salmon (bones and skin removed)
  2. 1T real mayo
  3. 2T Wildtree Dill Dip Blend
  4. 1 stalk celery diced
  5. 1/2 small onion diced (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix well, cover and refridgerate at least 2 hours or more. Serve with your favorite cracker or even add to a hollowed out tomato for a delicious side dish.

For more information on Wildtree and our amazing products visit my webpage at:

Why blog?

As I sit here in my kitchen listening to the 'organized chaos' that is my home I ponder as to why I started a blog in the first place. I want to share recipes, ideas and advice for those that care to 'listen'. I guess I wanted an outet to share my thoughts and ideas with those that share the same values as I do or are willing to give my ideas a try. With that being said I would like to state that all the recipes that I share are organic in nature and to save myself time I am not going to write out each ingredient as's safe to assume that anything in my ingredients list will always be organic. You don't have to use organic ingredients to make my recipes as conventional items will still work, however you will not be getting the same end result as far as nutrition is concerned.