Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Stuffed Peppers (slow cooker)

4 multi colored Bell Peppers
1/2 cup cooked Basmati Rice
1lb lightly browned Grass Fed Ground Beef
1 carrot ( chopped )
1 stalk of Celery ( chopped )
1 clove Garlic ( minced )
1 onion ( diced )
Handful of defrosted Spinach
1/4 cup fresh dill
1t sea salt
1t pepper
2 cups broth (I used bone broth but you could use beef/chicken/veggie)

Cut tops off the peppers (you can dice the tops and add to your filling). Add your broth to a slow cooker. Mix all remaining ingredients and stuff it into the peppers. Place peppers in slow cooker on high for about 5 hours. (For more tender veggies you can sauté before adding to the ground beef/rice mix)

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